1.1. Due to hygiene reasons all members are obliged to use a towel whilst training. Always place the towel on the apparatus, mat or training bench.
1.2. We ask everyone to clean the cardio machine after use. Tissues and cleaning fluid are available in the studio.
1.3. Follow your Personal Trainer’s instructions in using the machines. If in doubt, always consult
the instructor present for advice.1.4. Use of our facilities is strictly forbidden whilst under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other mind-altering substances.
1.5. All the facilities of Fit Avenue are no-smoking zones.
2.1. It is possible to cancel two training sessions per month without incurring cancellation costs. You can do so on the condition that you contact your trainer at least 24 hours before the planned session.
2.2. We are obliged to charge you for sessions that are not cancelled in advance and also in the case of more than two cancellations per month.
3.1. Clean indoor trainers/shoes are compulsory for training at our studios. Your shoes should not leave any black marks and should not be used as outdoor shoes.
3.2. You are expected to dress accordingly.
4.1. Membership includes the use of all facilities at Fit Avenue. The membership is strictly personal and cannot be transferred.
4.2. The management of Fit Avenue reserves the right to withdraw membership, regardless of the type of membership and without full reason or prior notice.
4.3. After the contract length all memberships are automatically continued every month for one month at a time.
4.4. ALL membership types at Fit Avenue have a 1-month notice period.
5.1. Payment is made according to the agreement between the member and Fit Avenue. The contribution of the membership fees will be debited automatically at the beginning of every four weeks.
5.2. If packages and other purchases have to be paid by invoice, it must be within a period of 14 days unless a different way of payment is agreed upon.
5.3. In case of unpaid invoices, all legal charges, administrative costs and surcharges will
be the responsibility of the member.
6.1. Restitution of paid membership fees is not possible.
6.2. In order to terminate your membership you are requested to do so in writing and one month in advance. Please direct your correspondence to the postal address of Fit Avenue. On termination of your membership there is a 1-month notice period.
7.1. Members and/or guests use the Fit Avenue facilities at their own risk.
7.2. Fit Avenue rule out all liability for company or that of company staff in the case of personal damage or death of a member or guest whilst residing at Fit Avenue, including those not making use of the facilities.
7.3. ALL members declare Fit Avenue exempt of any liability to third parties for damage to the said third party during his or her presence and due to actions or Ted of the member.
7.4. Fit Avenue is not responsible for loss or theft of property during use of the facilities.
8.1. Fit Avenue reserves the right to change opening times, schedules, membership content and membership prices.
8.2. Fit Avenue observes a minimum age of 16 years for its members, unless otherwise indicated by the management.